The Spellbound Story

With my job being to catapult stories out into the world, I feel like it’s important to share my own with you. I decided to call my business Spellbound PR because I think storytelling is utterly spellbinding. Whether it’s through a book, song, painting, film, you name it, a good story totally entrances its audience. It’s almost impossible to break away because it’s somehow become a part of you. I love that.

Let me give you a little background:

I was cast into the creative PR industry by the ultimate fairy godmother, my great friend and mentor, Cindy Campbell. She was a superstar Publicist for artists and she showed me how to swim in the publicity pool in a way one could only hope for when they dip their toes in the water for the very first time.

I watched as she helped skyrocket passion projects such as books, albums, paintings, anything at all, and deliver them to people’s eyes, ears, and minds. Here’s the thing, Cindy viewed art as magic, which is a mindset that I fully believe in. Believing is the secret. How do you get your stuff into the right hands? By believing in it that much. Also, by focusing on branding, targeted media outreach, social media content, and email marketing. Oh, and website strategy. But really, it starts with believing.   

For the last eight years I’ve worked with some of the most creative and driven people I’ve ever met, all of whom made things that brought a little piece of me to life. A piece that I didn’t even know existed prior to meeting them. By “them” I’m not referring only to the creator, I’m referring to the work. The characters. The lyrics. The imagery. From authors to journalists, filmmakers to musicians, the one thing they all have in common is their ability to evoke feeling through storytelling.

As one of my favorite writers, Wally Lamb, says, “what are our stories, if not the mirrors we hold up to our fears?” Yes, they are that. I feel like this is a good time to tell you to read I Know This Much is True, my favorite book to date.  

Art, no matter in what form, provides different lenses through which we can see the world; see ourselves. Stories change us, if we let them. Spellbound PR was created based on this idea and drive to bind your stories to those open to changing, learning, and flying.

I also feel like it’s important to share that I own three wands, which really helps with the whole “spellbinding” thing.