She grew up in North Carolina, where she lived for many years before moving to Charleston, SC after meeting her husband, Tom. They lived there for seven years, and then relocated to Cincinnati, OH for one year, before finding there forever (maybe?) home in Indianapolis, IN. Two things Hannah has learned about the midwest is that their appreciation for chili and potatoes is unmatched and the people really are That Nice.
Hannah has always been an avid reader and writer and recently finished a great run as co-host of Charlotte Readers Podcast. She also dabbles in writing for digital publications, animal rights activism, and fundraising. To hear more about her story and the inner workings of her brain, follow along on her blog.
It’s also very important to note that her love for her two goldendoodles, Gracie and Fiona, and her two-year old daughter, Gwen, is unmatched.
Getting to know the wizard behind the wand
Hannah Larrew is a publicist, storytelling enthusiast, and therapist (a joke, but not really) for artists across the creative spectrum including award-winning authors, musicians, fine artists, and independent filmmakers. She has served as an editor, public relations specialist, and marketer for both editorial firms and media outlets, including Pulitzer Prize winning newspaper, The Post & Courier. After working first-hand in several different facets of the publishing and media industries, Hannah brought her experience to launch her own boutique marketing and public relations firm, Spellbound PR. Spellbound takes traditional PR tactics and puts a modern digital spin on storytelling campaigns to identify and reach target markets.
Jumping with joy for creativity! As one naturally does!
And reading! As one also naturally does!
Production coordination throughout the publishing process
Nonprofit fundraising
Creating audiobooks
Managing Amazon for businesses and running advertising campaigns
Product photography
Having unusually high energy at all times
Talking to anyone who will listen
Learning that no dream is too big to achieve
Reading at an unbelievable speed
Life coaching
Mind reading