Hello! It’s me! I’m back on my blogging grind after falling off a bit due to the whirlwind that came with re-entering the public world. I felt especially inspired to write this post on podcasts firstly because I’m lucky enough to work with one of the best in the game, Charlotte Readers Podcast, that has taught me a great deal about how, and what, to pitch to podcasts. Secondly, I saw an awesome + interesting stat on Twitter yesterday:
“It looks like this fiscal year, podcasting is going to be up at least 30 percent from last year. It has rebounded, and it’s definitely where we see the most growth in the future.”
This is something we should have all seen coming. Podcasts are fun, informative, and most importantly, convenient. I mean, we can listen to shows about a wide range of topics recorded by experts whenever we want. We can be running, walking, driving, riding a unicycle (just me?) - you name it. We can do virtually anything while listening to podcasts of our choice. This is why they’re climbing in the ranks of media outlets.
A lot of my clients enjoy their podcast interview experiences more than with other outlet simply because they feel more casual. It feels more like a conversation with someone who truly cares about their work and its subject matter. Which, that’s the ultimate key to podcast media placements - finding the show that fits the exact consumer market of the project.
For those of you considering incorporating a podcast tour (when you’re on a slew of shows talking about your work or area of expertise), this is the checklist I use when considering whether I should pitch a project or client to a show:
Does the host’s background showcase interest in the genre or subject matter of this book?
What does this podcast’s listenership look like?
Where are they located?
What are they interested in?
What age demographic are they?
How many episodes have they recorded?
Have I listened to 2 or more of their released episodes? Does the client feel like a good fit?
What is the host’s conversation style?
What would my client be able to bring to the table?
Why would they be a good fit for this specific show?
What are three topics the client could speak on to benefit the show and its listeners?
I will literally write out the answers to each of these questions before reaching out to the host. I like to be super sure that the podcast is a good fit for the project I’m working on, because if it isn’t, it’s a waste of everyone’s time. The host, the client, and mine.
Once you have the answers written out to each of these questions, building the pitch is easy. You know you and/or your client is a good fit because you’ve done the research. Now, you just have to make your case. I’m throwing it back to middle school english class, but it’s all about the who, what, when, where, and why. Tell them who you are, what your area of expertise is, the relevancy of the subject matter you’re proposing, where your target audience is/what they look like, and why you think you would be a good fit for the show. Compile your research and let it roll.
Don’t ever reach out to a podcast without doing the research first. It shows and it’s not a good look. When it comes down to it, it’s about making sure a podcast partnership benefits all parties involved. It’s a collaboration! A way to share our stories with the right people. As I always say, is there anything more magical?
Because of the rapid growth of podcasts, I’m excited to share that I’m now offering podcast tour coordination packages! Yes! A shameless plug! You knew I had to! But in all seriousness, this is something I’m incredibly passionate about because of the wonder that is podcasts. It’s a great way to get your story out there on a global scale, build relationships, and have a few laughs along the way. To learn more about this, click here.
I’ll do my best to meet you back here next month with more tips and crazy ideas!